Dream Company — 1

Aparna Chitragar
3 min readMar 31, 2021

As part of my Ex-MBA assignment I am to write about my dream company. It posed a big problem because I had never thought about dream company in my professional career.

My initial focus at the start of the career was about getting job — whatever role whichever company didn’t matter, just the job and the pay were most significant factors.

In middle of career it was the company which can give me next bigger role and raise to support my growing needs.

But after joining IPL and while going through personal transformation journey, I started thinking about what is my dream company? What is my dream job? What is the value that I can offer ?

Then realized that the dream company should also have dream position for me. So, I have first listed attributes or characteristics of the dream company:

Dream company characteristics

The list could go on and on but I am going to focus only on the ones which are most important or “Must have’s” for me and others are good to have can be compromised.

1. Technology and Market leader — This is absolute must because one of the most probable reason they are market leaders are their technology which means for a techie it will mean that they can work on latest and greatest and dream technologies.

2. Remote work and flexible timings — This is must in current situation and will be required in future as well because travel is waste of time which can be productively utilized.

3. Encourages and facilitates innovation — some organizations are very afraid of change or innovation. They think every change is problem or innovation is a waste of time and money. But if a company can provide controlled structure to encourage innovation like

a. Giving innovation hours per month which a person can spend doing something new

b. Provide labs with availability of software/hardware etc. for innovation

c. Ability and drive to commercially support the innovations

4. Work life balance

a. In some organizations the culture is such that people have to be ready to work round the clock

b. It has adverse effects of physical and mental health

5. Growth & internal change opportunities –

a. Growth — A person should grow as the organization he works with grows. If there is no growth then there is stagnation, job dissatisfaction and people just tend to work for getting the pay check at the end of month. And sometimes even that may not stop people from jumping which will result in loss for the company.

b. Internal change

i. In organization which is big enough if a person wants to move from current position then there should internal movements possible

But all these characteristics are very difficult to measure and to actually find out if they are there and are up to the mark you have set. It requires huge amount of personal research to arrive at conclusion on these.

The pay scale which was most important few years back has lost its position and instead the other factors have more weightage. The job satisfaction and the sense of achievement are more important. The definition of dream company differs according to the stage of life.

